专业 PK 爱好
然后 485.222规定 用于满足ASR 的所有所有课程必须和提名职业紧密相关。
这个是2个独立的法律条款,对qualification 并没有加 the 的这个定冠词,那就存在一种情况,客户有A,B, C 3个qualification , 可以用B,C 这2个qualification 满足 485.221, 用A,B 这2个qualification 满足485.222 。 具体来说,对于由于某种原因失去申请485 GD 资格的客户可以通过补学一个diploma 来重新满足485 GD 的要求。澳洲最快的diploma 可以在3个月完成,价格$3000左右。
PSW 485 关于这个毕业6个月内申请的要求是在485.231里规定的,在qualification 上加了the 这个定冠词,所以满足2年的学习的qualification 必须是同样的qualification 来满足毕业6个月申请的条件。客户不可以通过补学一个短期diploma 来重新激活485 PSW的申请资格,只有重读一个学位课程才能激活这个485PSW的申请资格。

The applicant satisfied the Australian study requirement in the period of 6 months immediately before the day the application was made.
Each degree, diploma or trade qualification used to satisfy the Australian study requirement is closely related to the applicant’s nominated skilled occupation.
When the application was made, it was accompanied by evidence that the applicant had applied for an assessment of the applicant’s skills for the nominated skilled occupation by a relevant assessing authority.
485.23 Criteria for Post-Study Work stream
Note: These criteria are only for applicants seeking to satisfy the primary criteria for the grant of a Subclass 485 visa in the Post-Study Work stream.
(1) The applicant holds a qualification or qualifications of a kind specified by the Minister in an instrument in writing for this subclause.
(2) Each qualification was conferred or awarded by an educational institution specified by the Minister in an instrument in writing for this subclause.
(3) The applicant’s study for the qualification or qualifications satisfied the Australian study requirement in the period of 6 months ending immediately before the day the application was made.